Tuesday, February 5, 2008

AWARE pt 1

The buzz word in our house for sometime has been "aware".
Often heard used in phrases such as, "Please be aware of your surroundings" (look around you before jumping and bumping around)

"Before you ask someone to come help you, or get you something, be aware of what they are doing" (if my hands are covered in suds and I'm standing by the sink, don't demand that I prepare you a snack and deliver it pronto)

Awareness is such a valuable tool in life. More on this in posts to follow. Right now I am aware of the on-coming migraine and am going to take all necessary measures to drive it away.


Carrie Wilson Link said...

"Aware" is sure a nicer sounding word than, "HEY! What are you, CRAZY???"

Did it work? Did you head off the migraine? My remedy is 2 Advil and 2 aspirin when they start to rear their ugly heads, then lots of water.

Deb Shucka said...

What would the world be like if we were all aware even a little bit? I hope you're feeling better.

Nancy said...

Oh I love this phrase... "Before you ask someone to come help you, or get you something, be aware of what they are doing." Sounds so much better than... can't you see I'm busy? Came over from Carrie's blog and will have to visit more.