Sunday, February 10, 2008


Awareness implies ownership.
If you are AWARE of your _______ (fill in the blank), then you are accepting ownership and respnsibility.

It might look something like this...
I am aware of my dog's droppings in the lawn, therefore I will be responsible for picking it up before my neighbor steps in it.

I am aware of lack of sleep, therefore I am accepting responsibility for my inability to perform at my usual level.

I am aware of my "woo" and extravert-ness, therefore I am taking ownership of how my personality, exhuberance, and zest for life can be overwhelming for others at time.

I am aware that I am on a spiritual journey, and am accepting the fact that I am fully active in the experience, not just a passenger.

What are YOU aware of? and how are you going to embrace it?

1 comment:

Carrie Wilson Link said...

Yes, I quite agree, we are co-creators on the spiritual journey. No backseat driving!