Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The waiting game

I have applied for a significant scholarship. If awarded, I go to school full time in the fall. If not, I go part time and find a full time job. The wait comes in that the interviews for the scholarships are occuring the week of May 26th (3 weeks later than last year). Final announcements are not made until mid- June. 

My job ends June 30th.

If I GET the scholarship, I have some part-time work available to me.
If I DON'T get it, I need to join the 1,000's of others looking for a job.

I struggle with wanting to put myself out there now and not knowing if I will be able to accept what is offered. One friend said, "If you can't do it, there are 12 others behind you who will try."

Prayers, please.

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