Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Oh My Oh May

I have anticipated elements of this week between 3 weeks and 1 year.
I received news about being a semi-finalist for the Ford Family ReStart scholarship 3 weeks ago.
Spring term started 2 months ago.
The marching sabercats in the 80's band reunion date was set 4 months ago.
The art show at Ben's school was scheduled 1 year ago.

So, Tuesday, I drive to Eugene for the scholarship interview.
I attend class that night and Wednesday.
Lots of details for the art show will be attended to both days, as well.
Thursday I work (yes, my real job) and see the fruit of this year's art literacy program 
shared with the whole school and parents.
Friday I fly to Phoenix to reuinte with a bunch of other 40-somethings who connected during marching band in the 80's.

Yes, I am pacing myself.
Yes, I am delegating when and where possible
Yes, I am going to bed now.

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