The ICYM youth set up the Prayer and Meditation Center at Christ UMC for the 4th year. We offer this special experience during Holy Week for anyone. The main sanctuary/Memorial Hall is transformed. A 35' 13-circuit labyrinth (Chatres) is surrounded by a dozen multi-sensory stations.
Each station offers a the chance to connect with God, reflect, pray, express, and ponder. It is open 9a - 9p Monday and Tuesday, 9a - 6p on Wednesday.
It's been publicized and personal invitations sent.
There will probably be about 75 - 90 people who go through it.
So why don't more people partake? Why do the regulars pop their head in and say "Oh, it's maze time, again."
I can't help but connect this attitude with many Christian's attitudes... "Oh look, it's Jesus, again."
What's your reaction to opportunities to just sit with Jesus?
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